Friday, 18 October 2019

The Postgraduate studies

Hi bloggers,

today I talk about the postgraduate that interest me at the moment. I have really been interested in many program's of postgraduate but this last time I think this would be a good idea. 

"PhD in science, mention in ecology and evolutionary biology." its a program of the Faculty of Science at the Universidad de Chile. This program works investigations lines such as: Ecophysiology, Community ecology, Evolutionary ecology, Ecology and conservation, Phylogeny, Phylogeography and Population Genetics, Hidrobiology, Biogeography and Paleocology. The lines that interest me is a Evolutionary ecology and Hidrobiology. This program of postgraduate is very interesting from the forest area and open up new opportunities for the work.

Other area that interest me for making investigations is the social science area. At the moment I go to some seminary of the Institute of International Study at the University of Chile. In this Institute offer the postgraduate programs such as: "Master's degree of International Study" or "Master's degree of International Strategy and Comercial politics."

The opportunitie of study in other country is remote but is the most interesting and is a challenging task. The country that I think is good for go to a postgraduate is Germany. Many people of this area (forest) go to Germany for studies.

Good Bye!

Friday, 6 September 2019

My best holiday

Hello Bloggers!

17 year ago in a summer of 2002, My family and me spent a month traveling around the south country and we go to visit many towns. Puerto Montt, Villarrica, Chiloé and Valdivia are some of them that I can remember in this moment.

 At that moment, I was a kid and I remember my impression for the natural landscape in this places of South. The weather was very rain and I like very much the rain. It was a first time that I visit a lake and river and It was a wonderfull experience in my life. I recomend visiting.


Friday, 30 August 2019

Travel plans to Germany

Hi bloggers, today I going to write about to the my particular interest to visit Germany. This is a interesting country for the forestry disciplines and represent some oportunity to study and improvement. It is also very very interesting from a historical visión and the legacy preserved by cities and culture.

If I go there someday, the first thing I will do is to visit as many cities as posible and know their different landscape. In particular, I thought to visit Múnich, Frankfurt and Berlín. The second thing I Will do is to visit the Berlin Wall and travel in the city for look the humans rights monuments.

It is an ambitious plan and i like to go for some years allow me to study and travel. If I Will finish the university and work fast, I'll save mony to go there. Other posible opportunity is apply for scholarships to facilitate travel expenses.

Good wishes to you,

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Post 8: EFE

Hi guys,

today I write about EFE: structure and functioning to the ecosystems (for the spanish initial)

EFE is the subject that more like me. In this subjects we have practical activities and theoretical class about ecology. Is really funny and also important to the forestry studies. In the practical activities we visit the "poqui" hill and make measuring in the forest. The theoretical class are impart to Professor Juan Pablo Fuentes in general and others profesors too impart class.
Personally, I enjoy this subjects, I'm geeting too well i get good grades and the classmate are so friendlys and intelligents, also, this subjects it helps me to strengthen  my knowledge to forge my way as future forest engineer.
I choose this carreer in this University because is the one of the best universities in the country, also, i wants to discover actively the natural enviroment, developing my actitude of curiosity, respect, and
permanent interest to learn about the ecosystems, through of diferents technics and instruments delivered by the educational enviroment.
Goodbye for now guys, for everyone ho read my blog, i see in my next post. See you !.

Post 7

Hi bloggers,
today I read about 2 favourite websites that use in the career: and

CONAF.CL is a website to the National Forest Corporation. In this website I can find the national news about forest theme and that is updated about the law project. Also there is many documents of forest interest, to the market of wood, the government initiatives and the protected species and many others. Is really appropriate to do university works as well as is valid source.

FAO is an international organization dependent to the ONU. In this organization créate publics politics about diet, agriculture and preserve the enviroment. I like this website because I can find datum of international relevance. This website is very taken to the students of forestry to make works.

I recomended visit 2 websites,


Thursday, 25 May 2017

Post 5: Trabalhadores, 1996

Hi Bloggers:

In this oportunity I read about this photo of the outstanding photographer "Sebastiao Salgado"
This work is a colections of photographie called "Trabalhadores" of the year 1996. In this photo is seen a worker impregnated to petroleum that confronts a big explotions. I think is spectacular photo because conveys the aggressiveness and brutality conditions to which subjected the petroleum workers. In the social context this photo expose a harsh reality and the non respect of the good laboral conditions, and traveled for numerous countries including Chile.
The Sebastiao Salgado work's is very interesting and this have profound social contents when the black and white stand out the exploitation contradictions.

In this link you see more photos to Sabastiao Salgado


The Postgraduate studies

Hi bloggers, today I talk about the postgraduate that interest me at the moment. I have really been interested in many program's ...