Thursday, 25 May 2017

Post 5: Trabalhadores, 1996

Hi Bloggers:

In this oportunity I read about this photo of the outstanding photographer "Sebastiao Salgado"
This work is a colections of photographie called "Trabalhadores" of the year 1996. In this photo is seen a worker impregnated to petroleum that confronts a big explotions. I think is spectacular photo because conveys the aggressiveness and brutality conditions to which subjected the petroleum workers. In the social context this photo expose a harsh reality and the non respect of the good laboral conditions, and traveled for numerous countries including Chile.
The Sebastiao Salgado work's is very interesting and this have profound social contents when the black and white stand out the exploitation contradictions.

In this link you see more photos to Sabastiao Salgado



The Postgraduate studies

Hi bloggers, today I talk about the postgraduate that interest me at the moment. I have really been interested in many program's ...