Wednesday 28 June 2017

Post 8: EFE

Hi guys,

today I write about EFE: structure and functioning to the ecosystems (for the spanish initial)

EFE is the subject that more like me. In this subjects we have practical activities and theoretical class about ecology. Is really funny and also important to the forestry studies. In the practical activities we visit the "poqui" hill and make measuring in the forest. The theoretical class are impart to Professor Juan Pablo Fuentes in general and others profesors too impart class.
Personally, I enjoy this subjects, I'm geeting too well i get good grades and the classmate are so friendlys and intelligents, also, this subjects it helps me to strengthen  my knowledge to forge my way as future forest engineer.
I choose this carreer in this University because is the one of the best universities in the country, also, i wants to discover actively the natural enviroment, developing my actitude of curiosity, respect, and
permanent interest to learn about the ecosystems, through of diferents technics and instruments delivered by the educational enviroment.
Goodbye for now guys, for everyone ho read my blog, i see in my next post. See you !.

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