Friday, 30 August 2019

Travel plans to Germany

Hi bloggers, today I going to write about to the my particular interest to visit Germany. This is a interesting country for the forestry disciplines and represent some oportunity to study and improvement. It is also very very interesting from a historical visión and the legacy preserved by cities and culture.

If I go there someday, the first thing I will do is to visit as many cities as posible and know their different landscape. In particular, I thought to visit Múnich, Frankfurt and Berlín. The second thing I Will do is to visit the Berlin Wall and travel in the city for look the humans rights monuments.

It is an ambitious plan and i like to go for some years allow me to study and travel. If I Will finish the university and work fast, I'll save mony to go there. Other posible opportunity is apply for scholarships to facilitate travel expenses.

Good wishes to you,


  1. You forget speak about the beer. lol.

  2. I´ve a friend in Germany, you should know him. Good luk!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Germany is also a very important country for the history of Europe. nice post

  5. Germany is where my favorite dictator was born.


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